Sunday, May 19, 2013

Tens in Hundreds

tens in hundreds from Kieren Moriarty on Vimeo.

Today, I downloaded Jing. It is a screencast or screen capture tool that the students of Room 16 already have on their netbooks. At this stage, the students mainly use it for capturing images but you can use it for creating video. I captured myself going through one of the NZ Maths Equipment Animations. It was fun. Then I found out I had to convert my video file so I could put it on the blog. Through a little digital problem solving I managed to do that, so now I will be able to help any students do the same!

This animation shows us about that essential place value knowledge: tens in hundreds.


  1. Well explained Mr.M.
    I love how you have presented it.
    The recording was very clear.
    Well done:-)

  2. Wow Mr M Your blog post is really cool how you used jing

    1. Thanks Henry and Hannah!

      I enjoyed learning how to make a video with Jing.
