Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The Great White Man-Eating Shark

Margaret Mahy is one of my favourite authors ever. It is sad to hear that she passed away yesterday but I know that her words and stories will continue to thrill, entertain and inspire people through the years. I imagine her influence will actually grow.

Image from Penguin

Today we watched the first part of the movie for the super story The Great White Man-Eating Shark. We are writing our own endings as a fun tribute to Margaret Mahy. Already, they are awesome!


  1. Great Post Mr Moriarty. I loved Margaret Mahy . She was a great writer. My favourite book from her was: A busy day for a good Grandmother! What was yours? Could we read A busy Day for a grandmother book in class?

    1. Yes we can, Katrina.

      My favourite is probably Down the Back of the Chair. I almost know it off by heart from reading it to my girls.

  2. Wow this is a great post Mr.M.
    My ending is really cool so far, but will get even better.
    This would have to be my fav book:)
    Both videos are really funny.
    Can't wait to do this activity again tomorrow!

  3. She is an amazing writer Margaret Mahy but it is very said she dead. The Great white man eating shark is my favourite story.

  4. cool I like that story I first heard it Back when I was five
