Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Fish n' Chips Episode 2

Hannah and Milly (who were playing at school) cleaned the fish tank yesterday. They were such a great help! The fish tank was looking so clean and Fish and Chips were looking so happy that I just had to create a short video about it...

Fish n' Chips 2 from Kieren Moriarty on Vimeo.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Action Verbs

Zeb leaps Justice's spinning rope!

Today we started to work with our year two buddy class, Room 5 Kidd-Li-Winks on creating our own angry verbs (idea from our pen pal class Room 121 in the USA). This blog post has the first stage in the process.

Firstly, we read a quick book about verbs. Then using a variety of P.E. gear, we acted out sporting actions with our buddies. As it was happening, we discussed present, past and future tenses for our verbs. We also came up with many more verbs bacause of all the unplanned actions which were involved.

Here is our Padlet showing some of our verbs.

Photo Set:

What verbs can you see in the photos? Tell us in the comments section!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Tarakura of the Rangitaiki Plains

Tarakura of the Rangitaiki Plains from Kieren Moriarty on Vimeo.

The X-Men have done it again!

Here is their video retelling of Tarakura of the Rangitaiki Plains. Elijah, Cameron, Marcus and Ben edited it today on the iPad using iMovie. Special guest photographer Joshua helped them to film it earlier in the week.

The story was written by Bernadine Ngaheu in the school journal. This is what she wrote about her retelling:
"I've grown up always knowing about Iratumoana and Tarakura. It is a traditional story from my iwi, Ngati Awa, in the eastern Bay of Plenty. My father told it to me and the rest of my whanau when I was a child, and it's always been one of my favourites."

Illustration by Andy Shaw

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

I Have Always Been Lucky

I have always been lucky.
When I was seven
my parents gave me a red bicycle.    

I rode it every day until
it became a part of me.

~taken from James Brown's poem, The Bicycle.

Here is a video showcasing audio highlights from some of our poems based on The Bicycle by James Brown. You can find the full poems and more on the Tree of PRIDE branches (student blogs) to the side.

Superstar Poems from Kieren Moriarty on Vimeo.

Here are links to the poems: