Thursday, April 11, 2013

Tarakura of the Rangitaiki Plains

Tarakura of the Rangitaiki Plains from Kieren Moriarty on Vimeo.

The X-Men have done it again!

Here is their video retelling of Tarakura of the Rangitaiki Plains. Elijah, Cameron, Marcus and Ben edited it today on the iPad using iMovie. Special guest photographer Joshua helped them to film it earlier in the week.

The story was written by Bernadine Ngaheu in the school journal. This is what she wrote about her retelling:
"I've grown up always knowing about Iratumoana and Tarakura. It is a traditional story from my iwi, Ngati Awa, in the eastern Bay of Plenty. My father told it to me and the rest of my whanau when I was a child, and it's always been one of my favourites."

Illustration by Andy Shaw


  1. Cool video boys Ben you were so funny.

  2. This is so cool Boys!
    What an awesome trailer.
    I love the sound affects!
    If you all changed what you acted, What would you chose?
    Well done:-)

  3. Another super reading response video X-Men..great work! Clever retelling and acting out of the traditional story.

  4. Guys your acting is awesome. One of you would probably get a award for this. Oh & Josh, You were great on the camera, well done all of you :-D.

  5. What a funny video X men.
    Awesome retelling.
    Well done!

  6. Bernadine NgaheuMay 1, 2013 at 1:30 PM

    Very cool. The boys made me smile. Fantastic to see kids having fun with reading. X The Author

    1. Thank you very much for commenting, Bernadine!

      The boys will be stoked to see that when they get back to school. It's awesome motivation!

  7. This is still funny, a great blog post. X-Men, you guys we're so funny. X-Men RULE!
