Thursday, February 9, 2012

Word Of The Day

We had fun exploring words on the Snappy Thesaurus at Brain Food today. Kharn suggested "big" and the other words for big exploded out across the webpage. Then Tyler suggested "little". It is a great site for having fun with words and choosing the exact right words for your writing.


  1. This is pretty cool - love the fact you update the Tree of pride each day. Its a great way of seeing what the children are up too. Floss's Mum

  2. Mr Moriaty,We go into google and write says this is not a valid user name and we cant go any further.Is there a blog site we need to go in first because we are getting no where.We would appreciate your assistance.
    Thanks Kirsten Malcolm
    What is the website we go to?

  3. Hi Kirsten. Alexandra could enter it through my computer this morning. You do just go to Google first. Where she enters her username is on the top right corner, on the triangle drop-down menu. Then she enters her email name and password separately. Hope this helps. If not just get Alex to write down her reading and maths practice.
    The other thing you could try is using a different internet browser - the children use Google Chrome at school and it is a free download.
